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We at Regenerate Physiotherapy and Shockwave know these are uncertain, unfamiliar, and unpredictable times. Our main concern is the health and wellness of our team, clients and community. As the world navigates through Covid-19 pandemic know we are here for you and your family. In times like these things change fast and as of March 27, 2020 the Chief Medical Officer of Health ordered all non-essential business to close. As regulated health professionals Physiotherapist may still provide urgent, critical and emergency care to patients. This is to limit and prevent the spread of COVID-19 while still at the same time keeping preventable physiotherapy cases out of the emergency rooms. Physiotherapists have been given guidelines by The Alberta Association of Physiotherapists to help determine if a patient is classified as urgent, critical or emergency.

1. Will the inability to initiate in-person care or the withdrawal of care lead to serious or imminent harm?
2. Is the patient as risk for an emergency room visit,
Imminent hospital admission or re-admission?

Only if the Physiotherapist answers Yes to both questions then in-person care may be considered. The patient also needs to be screened for travel, condition of health, social distancing practice and age. If after this screening process it is deemed appropriate for the patient to attend the clinic the following measures and protocol are in place.

1. Environmental cleaning and disinfection of surfaces.
2. Use of frequent hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette by both staff and patients.
3. Directing staff who are ill to stay home.
4. Reconfiguring clinical spaces (treatment beds, waiting areas) and altering staff and patient booking practices to adhere to social distancing and maximum attendance instructions of public health officials.
5. Conducting patient-specific risk assessments to determine patients who may need to be rescheduled for a later date due to their individual health needs or health status and discussing the results of the risk assessment with the patient.

As Physiotherapist we are trained with many different tools to help you maintain and increase you health, reduce pain and increase mobility and strength. Luckily some of these tools do not need to be hands on face to face. We are one of the leading professionals in Edmonton to offer Tele-Health sessions. With this new secure technology we are able to provide the following to our patients

1. Video exercise monitor
2. Video exercise prescription and progression
3. Video explanation of self mobilization
4. Education for timely recovery

We use the latest technology through our booking system and all round clinic program Jane to delivery the Tele-Health sessions. It is a secure and PIPEDA &HIPPA compliant system and meets regulated privacy standards. The Peer to peer audio-visual communication is encrypted in transit and none of the data is stored anywhere at any time.

If you have any questions or concerns about any of this information or are un sure if your situation is considered urgent, critical or emergency please feel free to contact us via phone or e-mail our lines remain open 6 days a week Monday – Saturday to provided you with answers and support regarding physiotherapy.


These are challenging times for everyone. We know that many people are stiff and sore and are in pain. We also recognize that you may not be able to see us because your pain is considered non-urgent or emergent. We stand strong with you and we will continue to do our best to help all of our patients during these unprecedented times

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